The Health System Board is charged with oversight of the operations of the Medical Center and the Transitional Care Hospital for Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospital Organization purposes, as delegated by the Board of Visitors. The Health System Board shall further provide governance and strategic oversight for the various subsidiaries and affiliates of the Medical Center, including UVA Community Health, Inc., and for the School of Medicine and the School of Nursing.
The Rector shall serve as a voting member, and he shall appoint six other members of the Board of Visitors, including the chair, to serve as voting members of the Health System Board; one of these six members shall be the chair of the Finance Committee and at least one of these six members shall be a physician with administrative and clinical experience in an academic medical center. The Board of Visitors may appoint no more than six public members of the Health System Board to serve for terms not to exceed four years. The President of the University, the Executive Vice President and Provost of the University, the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the University, the Executive Vice President for Health Affairs, the Chief Executive Officer of the Medical Center, the Dean of the School of Medicine, the Dean of the School of Nursing, and the President of the Clinical Staff of the Medical Center shall serve as ex-officio non-voting advisory members.