

Executive Committee

At each Annual Meeting the Board shall elect from among its membership an Executive Committee composed of seven members. These seven members shall consist of the Rector, who shall serve as chair, the Vice Rector, and five Visitors to be elected by the Board.

The Executive Committee shall meet upon the call of the Rector. It shall consider all matters referred to it by the Rector, the Vice Rector, or the President and shall, in the interim between meetings of the Board, be vested with the power and authority of the full Board and shall take such action on all matters that may be referred to it as in its judgment is required. All such actions taken by the Executive Committee in the interim between meetings of the Board shall require a two-thirds vote of th whole number of committee members, and their actions shall be reported to the Board at the next regular meeting and shall, if confirmation is required, be confirmed and approved by the Board at that time.

Standing Committees

The Standing Committees of the Board of Visitors, linked above, shall consist of the Academic and Student Life Committee; Advancement Committee; Audit, Compliance, and Risk Committee; Buildings and Grounds Committee; Finance Committee; the Health System Board; and The University of Virginia's College at Wise Committee.

The Standing Committees shall be appointed by the Rector at the Annual Meeting of each year, or as soon as possible thereafter, and at the time of appointment, the Rector shall designate the chair of each committee.