Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall meet upon the call of the Rector. It shall consider all matters referred to it by the Rector, the Vice Rector, or the President and shall, in the interim between meetings of the Board, be vested with the powers and authority of the full Board and shall take such action on all matters that may be referred to it as in its judgment is required. All such actions taken by the Executive Committee in the interim between meetings of the Board shall require a two-thirds vote of the whole number of committee members, and their actions shall be reported to the Board at the next regular meeting and shall, if confirmation is required, be confirmed and approved by the Board at that time.

In addition to the above, the Executive Committee shall organize the working processes of the Board and recommend best practices for governance to the Board.  More specifically, the Executive Committee shall:

  1. Develop and recommend to the Board a statement of governance setting out the Board’s role;
  2. Periodically review the Board’s bylaws and recommend amendments;
  3. Provide advice to the Board on committee structure, appointments and meetings;
  4. Develop an orientation and continuing education process for Visitors that includes training on the Virginia Freedom of Information Act;
  5. Create, monitor, oversee, and review compliance with a code of ethics for Visitors; and
  6. Develop a set of qualifications and competencies for membership on the Board for approval by the Board and recommendation to the Governor.

As part of its responsibilities, the Executive Committee shall work with the President to encourage and support an atmosphere at the University that ensures that diverse members of the University of Virginia and Charlottesville communities are treated equally and fairly.  This is essential to creating an educational experience for students to prepare them for productive and responsible citizenship in the world beyond the University community.  This responsibility includes encouraging and supporting the attraction and retention of a diverse group of students, faculty, and staff.  “Diverse” includes race and ethnicity, age, gender, disability status, sexual orientation, religion and national origin, socio-economic status, and other aspects of individual experience and identity.

On behalf of the Board, the Executive Committee shall be responsible for working with the University administration on communication strategies and messaging with respect to emerging and urgent issues including informing and educating policy makers and regulatory oversight organizations and bodies.