HSB Quality Subcommittee

Purpose:  The Quality Subcommittee of the Health System Board (HSB) is charged with reviewing, making recommendations and providing strategic oversight for the quality and performance improvement clinical activities within the University of Virginia Medical Center, including patient safety, the adequacy and quality of professional services, the environment of care, and patient satisfaction with clinical care, in order to further the mission of the Medical Center of providing excellence and innovation in the care of patients.  The Subcommittee serves as a link between governance and senior management to assist the Medical Center in meeting its overall goal of improvement of the health care system and the quality of the patient care delivered at the University of Virginia Health System.  The Subcommittee will make recommendations to the HSB and/or to Medical Center senior leadership regarding the Medical Center's quality and patient safety efforts.  Specifically, the Quality Subcommittee will provide recommendations and direction to the Medical Center Quality Committee and to the Medical Center’s Senior Associate Chief Medical and Quality Officer and Chief Quality and Performance Improvement Officer as appropriate from time to time.

Membership:  Stephen Long, M.D.(BOV), who is a member of the HSB, is the Chair of the Subcommittee.  Current members are Kenneth Botsford, M.D.; Kathryn Hamilton; Todd Hochrein; K. Craig Kent, M.D., Executive Vice President of Health Affairs/CEO of UVA Health System; Constance R. Kincheloe; Paul B. Manning (BOV); Michelle Strider, RN; and Douglas D. Wetmore (BOV).                                                        

The following individuals serve as resources to and attend meetings of the Subcommittee:

  • Reid Adams, M.D., Chief Medical Officer
  • Marianne Baernholdt, PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN, Dean of the School of Nursing
  • Kathy Baker, PhD, RN, Chief Nursing Officer
  • Veronica Brill, MSN, RN, Associate Chief Nursing Officer
  • Matthew Connors, Deputy University Counsel for Health Affairs
  • Tracey Hoke, M.D., Chief, Quality and Performance Improvement
  • Wendy Horton, PharmD, MBA, CEO of the Medical Center
  • Melina R. Kibbe, M.D., Dean of the School of Medicine
  • Min Lee, MBA, MHA Chief Operating Officer
  • Peter Paige, M.D., Chief Clinical Officer, UVA Health
  • Michael Ragosta, M.D., Chair of the Medical Center Credentials Committee
  • Erik Shannon, Chief Executive Officer, UVA Community Health
  • Karin Skeen, Associate Chief Nursing Officer
  • Margaret (Megan) Tracci, M.D., President of the Clinical Staff

Term:  The Quality Subcommittee will continue as deemed necessary by the Chair or Chairs of the HSB.  The individual members of the Subcommittee will serve for terms as designated by the Chair or Chairs of the HSB or until they resign.

Meetings:  The Quality Subcommittee shall meet quarterly or as otherwise deemed necessary by the Chair of the Subcommittee.

Reporting:  The Quality Subcommittee will report to the HSB as deemed necessary by the Chair or Chairs of the HSB and the Chair of the Subcommittee.

Archived Committee Documents